Cathy's Foolproof Hiccup Cure

Ok, forget about breathing into a paper bag, having someone scare you or drinking from a glass backwards!  Here is the way to get rid of hiccups!  I don't remember who told me this.  It may have been a high school teacher or a college teacher.  If I could remember, I would give that person credit.  But anyway, here it is.

You probably heard to hold you breath when you have the hiccups, and that's the solution.  BUT, you have to do it a certain way.  Take a DEEP breath.  As deep as you can.  Then suck in a little more air.  Now hold your breath as long as you can.

That's all there is to it.  If you suck enough air in, you won't even hiccup while you are holding your breath.

I've never seen this fail.  The only times it didn't work for me was once when I really didn't hold my breath long enough and another time when I didn't suck enough air in.  But I tried it again right away the "right" way and it worked.

Tip:  When I come across someone who has the hiccups and tell them about this "cure" I try not to bug them while they are holding their breath so they won't start laughing!

I have never met anyone with chronic hiccups to find out if this works on them as well.  Feel free to e-mail me with success/failure stories.

I received an e-mail from someone saying, "a teaspoon of sugar has never failed me or anyone in my family."  Of course, you would need to be near a sugar source and that's a spoonful of unnecessary calories.  Has anyone tried this?  Does it take a few minutes of swallowing to get it down?  Anything, really, that interrupts the hiccup pattern may work.